Our Story

How it all started...

In 1887 seven Baptists who lived in the Colfax community organized a weekly cottage prayer meeting. In 1889 they determined to organize a church congregation and twenty three individuals signed as charter members. The church was organized under the leadership of Dr. J.A. Nash and state officers of the Baptist Convention. The new congregation met in the Knights of Pythias Hall until they built a church building in 1891 on the corner of South Walnut and Washington streets at the cost of $4,500.00.
In 1947 the church voted to become affiliated with the Conservative Baptist Association of America.
In 1955 an annex was built on the north side of the church building. In 1977 the congregation expanded by building the Fellowship Hall at the cost of $80,000. Over the years properties adjacent to the church were purchased for use as Sunday School rooms, and eventually all were removed for the parking lot.
Due to the expanding growth of the church family, two worship services were begun in November 1988. The congregation had begun to investigate the construction of a new church building. In 1992 the original church building was replaced and a new church building was built with a sanctuary for 300 people and large recreation area on the lower level. Worship services began in 1993. The new building was constructed by the Johnston Development Company as general contractor and much volunteer labor, the cost of the new church building was $250,000.00. At the end of December 2001 the church building was fully paid off - four years ahead of schedule. In 2008 the church bought the connecting property consisting of a house which is used for classrooms and a garage which is used for storage.
Since 1889, 45 men have served as Pastors of First Baptist, and since 1981 five men have served as Youth Pastors.
“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
 To Him be the glory, both now and forever. AMEN.” - 2 Peter 3:18

Expanding the vision...

First Baptist Church is uniting its church members with a focus on becoming Christ minded. Growing together in love and creating a healthy church family. We are fruit bearing through our many ministry options and community outreach programs.

Where we are headed...

First Baptist Church’s ministry focus is headed towards training up disciples of Jesus Christ. With Evangelism at the forefront of our mission,  First Baptist Church works to teach, and guide new and current believers in the way Jesus calls us to be- Christ followers. 

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:25am.